"When you are in charge, everything that your team does is on you." — Oliver Queen (Stephen Amell), Arrow, Season 5: A Matter of Trust
Fabrizio Celli Fabrizio Celli
St. Peter's Basilica, Rome
Fabrizio Celli Fabrizio Celli
Teatro Trastevere, Rome
A long time ago, in a Galaxy far, far away... It is a period of discoveries and progress. IT and AI engineers are setting the basis for a new world. During this process, several people are scared of the possible outcomes if no regulations are in place. Persuaded by the love for knowledge and for the people of the Galaxy, Doctor Von Fabrizio decides to start a journey as a software and computer engineer aboard his brainiac starship. In media res, he understands that he needs more knowledge to power his future, so he decides to approach the world of psychology, neuroscience, history and poetry, custodians of the hidden knowledge that can restore freedom to the Galaxy…
Buy my collection of poems "Eros and Thanatos" to help protecting the Galaxy!
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