How to iterate over the results of a command

When we write a bash script, we need to iterate over the results of one or more commands and use those results. In order to do this, we can use the for command. When we use the for, we put in back quotes `` the command whose output we want to iterate on. For example, we need to find all the XML files in a directory (as explained here) and then we want to process those files. What we do is to write a command like this:

for FILE in `find . -maxdepth 1 -name '*.xml'`
    # do something with the file
    # for example, we can print the file path
    echo $FILE
    # or we can move it!
An important note. The back quotes `` are used to assign the results of a command to variables. In the above example, we iterate over each line of the output of the find command (i.e. on the path of each file we discover with find) by accessing the $FILE variable that we have declared in the for statement.